5 Residential Painting Trends That Continue to Stand the Test of Time

HomePride Painting, Inc. Blog5 Residential Painting Trends That Continue to Stand the Test of Time

Many trends come and go quickly, which can make many homeowners cautious about opting for a paint color deemed “trendy”. However, just because a color or combination of colors is labeled as trending doesn’t mean it will make your home look dated in just a few years. Many paint options have been trending for decades or longer and show no signs of falling out of favor any time soon.

5 Residential Painting Trends That Continue to Stand the Test of Time

Below, we’ll discuss a few of our favorite timeless residential painting trends to help spark inspiration for your own home.

  1. Elegant Neutrals – Neutrals remain a popular residential painting trend due to their ability to play well with virtually any interior design preferences and make a space feel light and bright. A testament to the versatility of neutrals is the fact that they can be found in or paired with several other categories on this list.
  2. Earthy Hues – Earth tones continue to be popular for nature lovers and city folk alike due to their ability to bring a calm and grounding feeling to a space. With plenty of warm and cool-toned options to choose from, it’s hard to go wrong with Mother Nature’s palette.
  3. Luxurious Jewel Tones – If you’re looking for opulence and sophistication, jewel tones are where it’s at. Many people think that jewel tones are all dark and moody, like emerald green, garnet red, and sapphire blue, but you can find plenty of soft but rich options like serene jade, playful rose quartz, or vivacious citrine.
  4. Pleasing Pastels – Pastels are a great option for those who don’t want the boldness of jewel tones but are looking for more color than most neutrals provide. Soft pinks, blues, greens, and purples can infuse a space with a soothing, gentle atmosphere without compromising on color.
  5. Classic White – When in doubt, a classic white is hard to beat. There’s a reason it makes an appearance on nearly every residential painting trend list – it works with any aesthetic, helps make a room look clean and bright, and plays well with virtually any other color.